Light and Darkness / by kevin murray

Darkness is best defined as the absence of light, and animals that live in total darkness, are predominantly found to be blind.  Total darkness is something that few sighted humans have ever experienced, I experienced it on the level of being on a tour of a cavern, to which, the tour guide, pre-warned us that he was going to turn off all ambient lighting and that the darkness that would ensue would be so complete that we would be unable to see even our hands in front of our eyes.  When this did in fact occur, it was extremely unsettling, because the sudden loss of vision is not a pleasant experience, darkness on this level I had never experienced before.


It is not too surprising to learn, that primitive societies often had sun gods, because of the critical importance that light brings to our lives.  Without the sun there would not be life on this good earth, because we need its heat and its light in order to function and to create photosynthesis which converts light from energy into chemical energy.  That is why the sun is of such significance to us today, and in the past, because our lives could not exist without it. The sun therefore, acts as a proxy to God himself.


In literature darkness is often associated with evil, and light is often associated with good.  This certainly makes logical sense, but is it necessary for both conditions to occur?  Are, in fact, darkness and light, good and evil, two sides of the same coin, forever in war with each other or is there another conceivable explanation that we must respect?  First, it is important to note that darkness and light are not equal in strength or the equivalent to each other; they are merely manifestations of a given condition.  As for good and evil, actions that represent good are in accordance with God's law, and actions that represent evil are not in accordance with His true justice, they therefore are not equal and never can be. 


John 1:5 states, "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."  This can be translated to state that darkness, or those that dwell in darkness, are unable to grasp that any power that they hold in this world is a power that must bow to the Light.  Further, that those that live in darkness, despite the presence of light, will ignore the light as if it didn't exist, even though that light is the portal through which all love and all blessings pour forth.  Additionally, that all those that previously lived in the darkness of their ignorance, are given the opportunity to go to the light, to become embraced by the light, and to become one with the light, or they can remain in the shadows afraid to or fearful of embracing the Truth, that will correct them from the error of their ways.


There are many that believe, that evil and darkness, are foes that must be wrestled with and only through great individual effort or through the grace of God that they will be overcome.  This may be true to a point, but the Higher Truth is this, you may live your entire life in the cave of absolute ignorance and darkness, but should you allow the bright light of Christ to enter your domain, your freedom will become instant upon the penetration of True Light.