Most foreign civilian deaths have a value of zero in America / by kevin murray

Any civilian death via an act of war or of terrorism is most unfortunate, of which, America is intimately familiar with this, for instance, by the 9/11 terrorist attacks, as well as by our Civil war which resulted in the death of an undetermined amount of civilians, of which, those civilians having died are rightly remembered as being innocent victims and that their lost of life is seen as being tragic.


This would seem to indicate that since we see civilian death as caused by an act of war or of terrorism as being tragic, that, in order to be consistent, that Americans should see all civilian deaths caused by an act of war or terrorism as also being tragic, but in fact, the divide, seems to be, if those civilians dying are allies or are friendly to America, such as in Paris, Madrid, and London, then these deaths are recognized as being tragic, but if these civilians being killed are part of airstrikes perpetrated by the United States military or other Allied military actions such as in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, of which thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians have died horrible and tragic deaths, these don't even seem to merit much more than a comment or two from today's mainstream media organizations.


The fact of the matter is a civilian is a civilian, so either it is wrong and tragic for any civilian to die as a part of a war, or of a targeted attack, or an act of terrorism or it isn't.  So that, if we are inconsistent in how we view civilian deaths, based upon the prism that we are looking through, then we are wrong for valuing certain civilian deaths as being tragic, whereas other civilian deaths are being viewed of no worth or of no value to us.


In addition, when that prism, dictates to us, that specific foreign civilian deaths, and in particular, those civilian deaths occurring because of United States military action or its equivalency, of which, these are pretty much dismissed with something that is semantically termed as: "collateral damage," then to accept that viewpoint as being ethically okay, is fundamentally wrong.


The upshot is that the only possible way to reduce the current unacceptable amount of civilian deaths that are occurring by military actions taken by the United States, is to make it a point, and a principle that such deaths need to be minimized and that in order to achieve this minimization of civilian deaths, this would logically necessitate new and revised procedures in how our military operations are conducted, for the way that they are being so conducted today is the very reason why so many civilian deaths occur.


Finally, it is well to remember that a civilian is a civilian, no matter where they are, no matter where they were born,  no matter what their faith or non-faith is, no matter what their particular circumstances are, and therefore, every civilian that is needlessly killed by military aggression and military operations is a death that should be mourned, for each one of these civilian deaths, is proof positive that the road that we need to travel in order to overcome man's inhumanity to man, is colossal, and the very first step to correcting this, is to recognize in our actions and in our engagements, that everybody on this earth is equally created, of which, all of us are created by the very same Creator, with the very same unalienable rights.