Food stamps should be allocated bi-weekly / by kevin murray

Food stamps, which are officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are issued to those that qualify for such once a month on a specific day each month, in which the recipient of such thereby uses the debit card provided to them to purchase groceries at stores that accept food stamps as a form of payment for those groceries that qualify to be purchased under this program.   The food stamp program is of immense importance for all those receiving food stamps, because physical bodies obviously need physical food. 


Not too surprisingly, most of the people that qualify for food stamps in the first place, aren't necessarily known as the most discerning, or the least impulsive, or the best decision makers.  Rather, those that qualify for food stamps are people that typically aren't in a good financial position, and thereby when they find themselves in a position in which they now have plenty of what is the equivalency of money to get food, they oftentimes are going to get busy and utilize those food stamps at a rate in which, those food stamps will be spent so quickly that they will find that soon enough, those food stamps are fully depleted, and subsequently they are now without food in their refrigerator, before their thirty days are up.


So then, it would make eminent sense if the abiding purpose of food stamps was clearly recognized as having been created to be of specific benefit to the recipients of such.  This signifies, that it would probably be more beneficial for food stamp recipients that rather than being provided with all of their food stamp money upfront to them for an entire month, that they would be better off, if such was modified to provide benefits for them in two week increments.   


After all, many people have been told at some point when they have sat down for a big meal, and subsequently have failed to eat all of it, that "their eyes were bigger than their stomach," which is exactly the type of similar situation that occurs, when people that often don't have enough of what they really want in life, suddenly get all of their food stamp allocation for an entire month, all at once. Indeed, it would not be that difficult for the government to amend the current food stamp program, to make the payments bi-weekly, and the recipients of such, would clearly be the beneficiaries of this; because it is a lot easier to wait a week to get some groceries, if it comes to that, then having to wait two or even three weeks.


The amount of governmental funding for the food stamp program was reported by to be $68 billion in 2018, which indicates that the amount of governmental monies devoted to feeding our population is quite significant.  This so indicates that anything that would improve not only the efficiency of the program but would be of material benefit to the recipients of this program should be seriously considered.  This essentially means that something as vital as food, which is a daily necessity, should thereby take into account that those receiving food stamps, not be placed into the unenviable position of first having a veritable feast, followed unfortunately, by a subsequent famine.