The need to get beyond preaching to the converted / by kevin murray

There are an awful lot of people that just want their friends and associates to agree with them, and pretty much are happy to live within a construct in which mostly everything represents an “echo chamber.”  Perhaps there is a place for this in the sense that the world and society can be an intimidating and challenging place, so that we like the turtle, are afraid to stick our necks out, because we don’t want our neck to be chopped off, but the reality is that if we all we do is congregate with people that we agree with and that agree with us, we aren’t really doing all that much to make society a better place for our participation in it.  In other words, if we are a true believer in whatever philosophy that we so have, then it would seem that we have an inherent obligation to see that others, that have different opinions or are agnostic, are properly engaged by us, for this might not only benefit them, but it also might well benefit ourselves as well.


Indeed, the purpose of a good debate, is to hear out the other side at its best, as they try to make the case as to why their position is the better or the correct one.  We should, in life, wish not only to be challenged, but also we need to challenge ourselves to learn all that we can about what life so represents as well as the most appropriate way to interact with others, in those discussions of interest.  It can be said that everybody has a story, and if we never take the time to listen to their story, then it becomes difficult for us to appreciate their position or where they are coming from.  After all, each of us, desires first and foremost to be heard, and most people appreciate being met at the mindset that they are currently at, thus presenting the fair opportunity for an ensuing discussion to take place.


Look, it has to be said, if we are leery of espousing our best held beliefs to the other, because we are fearful that their questions or comments will be something that we are not well qualified to answer to, then we haven’t done our own homework as to why we believe what we believe or value so highly.  This is why we need to get beyond talking only with those that agree with us, because it is in the sincere challenges of the other, and their pertinent questions, that permits us the opportunity to delve more deeply into what matters so highly to our core conscience.


So too, it is wise to reflect upon our life and the knowledge that we have obtained, and understand that there have been those times when well meaning people have directed or re-directed us in a way and manner which has enlightened us and therefore has permitted us to cast off what was in error or was misguided into that which is correct to our lasting benefit.  That is why we have to do our good part to do the very same, by reaching out to others and expressing to them what is of importance to us, so that we can possibly open up their eyes, and at the same time, become more accommodating to the value of other opinions and viewpoints, which helps then to broaden our perspective.