Towards income support for working Americans / by kevin murray


The disparity between those few that have it all and the many that are either struggling or just treading water, seems to be getting progressively worse, which thus indicates that this government of, for, and by the people needs to do more on behalf of those that don't have all that much, but yet are themselves hard working Americans.  For a certainty, most people that labor cannot dictate the wages that they will be paid, of which, those that do not make a lot of money, are often going to have to pay the same types of bills that those with pocketfuls’ of money must also pay, but alas must do so with a very short supply of funds.


So then, what we need to see happen at the present time is for this government to come up with a program, that supplements peoples' income on a monthly basis, which should be based upon one's previous years wages and the hours so worked, of which, a reasonable proposal would be to provide financial assistance to all those that have labored at least 1,000 hours in a calendar year, and then their monthly stipend should be based upon the total annual income of that person, structured in a graduated progressive stipend way, in which those that have earned less would get a higher monthly stipend, and those that made more would get less of a stipend, before eventually having this stipend phase out for higher wage earners.


Indeed, for those that are low-income wage earners, knowing that they will be aided by a monthly stipend of up to $1,000 would be of a great material benefit for them, and in consideration that those that are low-wage earners, are often going to be the very same people that will probably spend a significant portion of that money on necessary goods and services within the community that they live in, would essentially mean that this government handout would basically see those monies being circulated within the communities that received such, for the overall benefit and health of that community.


After all, it just seems logical and fair that those that play by the rules but do not make a living wage, or barely are  keeping their heads above water, should be the very same people that this government should desire to lend a helping hand to, because it is these unsung people that help make America great.  In reality, many a person is not actually looking for a direct handout, for they do not want to be perceived as being a beggar, but rather they often want to do their good part to be an integral and vital part of the workforce, but sadly lack the overall compensation package to live a satisfactory life, which is why this government needs to step in, and do their part to backstop their own people, above all, or else the civil unrest and unease that we see around us, will not simmer down, but will instead be susceptible to creating the type of havoc that will effectively end up suppressing the people at a very terrible cost to the integrity of this nation and what it so represents.