Freedom from compulsion / by kevin murray

We are born with unalienable rights, which therefore signifies that we are gifted by our Creator with rights that thus supersede that which governments institute and thereby claim to be our rights, as gifted to us by that governance.  The best government is not necessarily that government that governs least, but instead is that governance that makes its very first principle to see that it upholds and defends our natural right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, above all.  So then, whenever that government or institutions created through the auspices of that government thereupon conflicts with our natural right to freedom and volition, it is critical that we take a careful look as to what is actually happening.


The first thing that we need to keep in mind, is that for the betterment of humankind, we live in societies, for societies provides us with a multitude of benefits, such as in the defense and protection of the community, as well as the advantages of being able to draw upon the individual skill-sets of the community and the fact that each of us is gifted with certain characteristics and attributes that work best when combined with those other elements of the society, that others are quite skilled at, which makes for a greater efficiency and effectiveness for the overall good of that society.  That is to say, there isn’t any real point in each of us being our own hunter, or farmer, or in a society in which we are pretty much compelled to take on certain activities in order to sustain our body, when these very things can be better achieved, through the concerted effort of a group of people that concentrate on providing us with the ready means to nourishment, good water, roads, and other infrastructures of importance.  This thus indicates that to the degree that we need to sacrifice some of our liberty in order to work hand in glove with those that make up our community, does in many a case, make eminent sense, though in excess, it does not.


For instance, we find that mandatory military conscription is definitely something that impacts our free volition as well as our very life.  So too, anything that we so desire to do with our body and mind, or any business that we conduct in which each party to that business, has voluntarily chosen to be a part of, in which, our governance insists that we are not permitted to do that which we have chosen to do as per our volition, is anathema to freedom.   In any society that acknowledges that we have unalienable rights, but within that society, we are being compelled to sacrifice those same unalienable rights, for whatever reason, is a society which is failing the very people that it has been structured to be of assistance to.  To be free, is to be able to utilize that freedom in whatever manner that pleases us, and should typically be our unalienable right, subject only to our non-interference with others so exercising those same rights.  This means that any time that we are compelled to do something via government fiat, that the reason behind that compulsion, must be made known to us, as well as to make sense to us, and should be circumscribed by the salient fact that such a sacrifice of that freedom, should be limited and in the highest sense, be met with our approval.