Practice what you preach / by kevin murray

In consideration that there are over two billion Christians in this world, and of which there are hundreds of hundreds of millions more of untold people that believe in a Higher Power that we all must so answer to, one would think that those that are bold enough to take on the moniker of being known as being a member of the general Christian sect would therefore live their lives in such a way that people would credit them as being truly Christian in their attitude, in their behavior and in their corresponding acts, such as would fairly represent faithful people that lived lives consistent with loving their God with all their heart, and their neighbor as thyself.


Yet, how few seem in reality to practice what they so preach, for they seem to suffer from the very same faults and errors that so many of us who don’t wear that Christianity or their faith upon their sleeve duly suffer from, by being, for instance, petty, lying, selfish, as well as just not being a good neighbor.  Look, it has to be said, that those who claim to be faithful to their professed religion but can’t seem to make even a good faith effort to live up to its most important and valued tenets, that they then should be seen for what they are, which is a hypocrite.  


It is hard, after all, to respect someone who can’t seem to live their faith out in their persona so demonstrated by what they truly do or don’t do on a given day.  Those then who believe in that Higher Power but can’t seem to separate themselves from the madding crowd, are those who desire to take on the aura of their faith but are doing little or nothing to prove that to themselves or others.  It is this type of lackadaisical faith that makes societies so dysfunctional and unhealthy, because if those that claim that they are good and faithful servants to their religion, aren’t those very things, themselves, then society suffers from that lack of good character being actualized.


The true test of anyone that professes to be Christian is whether or not someone that intimately knows that person, actually describes that person first and foremost as being Christian -- in addition to then describing what it is about that person, that makes them stand out as being Christian.  Those who practice what they preach through their works though are going to pass that sort of test with flying colors, whereas those who profess to be something that they aren’t true to, won’t have any works that second that belief.


In life, each of us will be tested, and those who learn well the lessons that need to be learned, are going to prove the value of those lessons by living the sort of life that reflects that they represent good students for they have taken that knowledge and thus adeptly applied it to all aspects of their life.  Those then that truly believe in something of real substance, will logically act and thereby behave in a manner that reflects that sincere belief, and those that don’t, won’t.