Deo vindice / by kevin murray

One can learn a lot about what matters to an individual or to a nation by examining the motto that they believe best reflects what they are about or trying to achieve.  We find that the Confederacy had as their motto, Deo vindice, which translates to  “with God as our defender.”  Indeed, those who invoke God as their defender, best hope that what they claim God is defending is actually consistent with the attributes of that God, and to somehow sincerely believe that God accepts that mankind should enslave other mankind, or be authorized to do so as sanctioned by God, because of skin color, or because of religious affiliation, or because might is right, is to fundamentally miscast God, as unjust, prejudicial, and bigoted.


Those of the Confederacy met the only fate that they so deserved, for when they invoked God as their defender, what they really invoked was for God to defend what is wrong over what is right, and seeing that the Confederacy was wrong, they paid the justified price for their unjust war, so waged upon their fellow Americans.  Undeniably, those who dare to believe that what they are doing is so being done on behalf of God had better make sure that this is true, for the penalty for bringing God into the fold is always going to be much higher than those who do not, because God is a God that will not be mocked, and to use God to persuade others that they are on the right side of God when they are surely not, is a very bad place to be.


There are all sorts of people and nations that in order to emphasize their point, desire to bring God into the equation so that what they are proselyting to others, seems to come from the very authority of that God.  That may well be effective for many a person and perhaps should be, but when those words conflict with what God truly represents, then those who have spoken those words and claim to believe in those words, are going to have to pay a very heavy price for having stated as a truth, what is not true.


In this world, we do find, that many a person doesn’t feel that the words that they are speaking will carry enough authority to persuade others, so then some of those very same people find themselves inclined to utilize an authority figure, such as God, and of which, that God, is supposedly then on their side, to thereby make their point so as to thus have more impact and influence upon others.  The problem though with drawing upon God for those who are committing actions that are inconsistent with God is that the error being made is compounded, and therefore the subsequent price to be paid will be significantly higher.  All those who invoke God as their defender should best make sure that God will be their righteous defender, for if not, their calling upon God, will result in a serious consequence,  which will not be to their liking, though it will be just.