From the invisible comes the visible / by kevin murray

The very first thing that humankind gets wrong is to somehow believe that the visible creates the visible when this could never conceivably be true, because as in anything, there has to be a first cause, of which, that first cause could not have ever been visible.  Rather, it is the invisible that is the master of the visible, and it is thus our solemn duty to understand that the actuator of our life in this world is not only invisible to us but also represents that which will help provide us with the insight to understand better what life on this planet is all about.


After all, most of the trouble that humankind gets into is believing that this world represents the be-all and end-all of our existence, and for those that have that type of wrong mindset, this lends itself to desiring all sorts of material things, or that which aggrandizes our personal position, at the expense thereof of other people and their personal desires, leading to all sorts of conflict, injustice, and war.  That is to say, far too many people and the societies that they are a part of are hellbent on getting as much as they can, of what they feel that they have to have, and care little or nothing about who and what they have to trample upon to get theirs.


Look, a far better way and also a more accurate way to look upon this world, is to see those that are the players within it, as having their role to play in this drama of life, of which, the upshot of that role is how well we do in consideration of what we have to work with.  Those then, that get so entwined within this material life so as to believe that nothing much matters other than what feeds their ego or improves their position vis-à-vis other people are the very same that seemingly don’t understand that nothing of this world, ever lasts, and the more that we try to hold onto that which cannot be eternally held onto, the more that we buy into the delusion that only this world matters, as opposed to seeing it, as a proving ground, to best develop our character so as to properly graduate from the visible back into the invisible.


Remember this well, our thoughts are not visible, but it is our thoughts and then our subsequent actions that define us, so that, we know intuitively that there is much more than the visible that is part of our being, and therefore it is our responsibility to prioritize what we should concentrate our efforts upon, and those that are unable to reason correctly to therefore do proper homage to their eternal essence, have made a very poor choice.  Our Creator is the master creator of it all, and those who best recognize this, understand well that we are meant to better ourselves by doing that which is consistent with God’s good attributes, proven by our thoughts and actions in this realm, above all.