The Executive Office and War / by kevin murray

Our Constitution makes it clear that Congress "shall have the power to declare war", but this declaration has not been made by our Legislative branch since World War II, which means that every war that the USA has been involved in since that time has been a declaration or a quasi-war brought forth from the Executive branch of our government.  The terrible thing about war is that war is a terrible thing, consequently one's involvement in war, should be carefully considered, reasoned, negotiated, debated, and contemplated upon.  War should seldom be a first choice, and should not be made under questionable circumstances because virtually all other alternatives such as blockades, diplomacy, embargoes, and humanitarian aid should be seriously considered by any mature nation, especially a nation that is looked upon as a world leader.


War isn't quite like boxing, but there are many people that don't mind boxing, if they do all the hitting, but never get hit back in return.  For far too many influential politicians, military, and corporations in America, war is looked upon as somewhat of a one-way street, profitable and also where we bully or put down other countries with relative calmness because of our superior technology, firepower, weapons, logistics, training, and experience.  To make matters evenpalatably better for the United States, the actual American soldiers that are in any real danger have a tendency to be young, economically disadvantaged, and with no political lobbying power.


To help even things out for the Executive branch of government, that perhaps finds it a little too easy to declare war, I submit that the Executive branch as a matter of honor, should have direct "skin in the game" when it comes to our foreign wars.  Consequently, all members of the Executive branch should be thoroughly vetted so as to ascertain the amount of relatives or children that they have that fall within the traditional bounds of our draft/selective service age of 18-26.  Further, since our military, now actively recruits females, both young men and young women should be made eligible. 


Once that list is ascertained, all of these young adults, should be compelled to serve their country in our wartime needs, to which a certain percentage of them must be placed in harm's way so as to give them a fair opportunity to not only show bravery, courage, and resolve, but if it should happen, to die or to be wounded in service to their country.  This, in itself, would make wars far more meaningful and far more poignant for not only the Executive branch in particular, but for all Americans.


There was a time in America when important and highly valued people would resign their position in government, in private enterprise, or in society, in order to serve their country in its time of need.  This action is still necessary in order to demonstrate to the population at large, the commitment and the incumbent obligation that those in power and influence must bring to their nation and its ideals, so that if the war is good enough to be declared by the Executive branch, it is also good enough to risk your fortune, your family, and your life for.